• News Globe

    News globe was a project I worked on at the Bloomberg Summer Internship Hackathon 2015 in a team of five. In 24 hours we put together a solution which scraped various news websites, linking it to geographical locations, and visualised it on a 3D globe. The key aim of the...

  • Risk: Multiplayer Edition

    Multiplayer Risk was a year-long project as part of a team. Nathan Blades, James Russel, Victor Andrei & I worked on this for our third-year project. Our game was selected as the best in the year, and we won the 2015 Metaswitch Networks Software Engineering Project Prize. The following screenshots...

  • P2P File Distribution

    Created for a third-year Computer Science module. We were given the specification to create either a P2P or a Multicast reliable file distribution system. I opted for P2P so it could be used on the open internet without issues. I followed the original BitTorrent architecture for this practical, one central...

  • Steam for Windows Phone

    Steam Instant-Messenger was a system I used a lot at the time, but it didn’t support Windows Phone. Using some reverse-engineering of the protocol Valve used for the Android / iOS versions, my application was able to logon to the Steam servers (including 2-factor authentation) and send/receive messages from users...

  • Windows Desktop Clock Gadget - Usage statistics

    I’m still getting things setup. Come back later to read more about this project!